Your Health Matters: President Obama-Restore the Sickle Cell Treatment … Your Health Matters: President Obama-Restore the Sickle Cell Treatment ...: Please sign the Petition to…Dr. Nina AndersonOctober 9, 2014
President Obama-Restore the Sickle Cell Treatment Act Please sign the Petition to restore the Sickle Cell Treatment Act-HR Bill 5125 and re-establish…Dr. Nina AndersonOctober 9, 2014
Dr. Anderson Speaks at People’s Settlement on October 12th SICKLE CELL ANEMIA: AN UNSPOKEN DIEASE OF UNCERTAIN SUFFERING Sunday, October 12, 2014 @ 1:00…Dr. Nina AndersonOctober 6, 2014
Ebola, Ebola, Ebola First Imported Case of Ebola Diagnosed in Texas Ebola, Ebola, Ebola is been heavily broadcasted…Dr. Nina AndersonOctober 6, 2014
Proudford Foundation-Rockin the Red for Sickle Cell Awareness The Proudford Foundation also hosted their 9th Annual Fundraiser 'Rockin the Red' in Baltimore, MD…Dr. Nina AndersonSeptember 26, 2014
Hear from two Sickle Cell Warriors- Dr. Dejoie and Dr. Carlton Haywood by Newsworks- Author, Jeanette Woods Sickle Cell Disease still persists 100 years after discovery A…Dr. Nina AndersonSeptember 26, 2014