I recently met one of my patients, mother and grandmother at the Sickle Cell Conference in Baltimore, MD -October 2014. She literally brought tears to my eyes! Iyanna was a resilient but very fragile and shy child. Thanks to the sickle cell team of healthcare providers at the Sickle Cell Center and new medications like hydroxyurea, Iyanna is heading to college next year! Her mother and grandmother are still active in community organizations and advocating for Iyanna. "It takes a village to raise a child." Let's continue to support and re-establish Sickle Cell programs for Iyanna and thousands of other people living with sickle cell across the country. Dr. Anderson
WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Declare Sickle Cell Disease a national health priority and support legislation to expand and establish SCD programs. Dear President Obama, Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is Real! SCD is a major public health concern causing critical healthcare impacts in the nation. Reauthorization of the Sickle Cell Treatment Act – Bill H.R. 5124 will expand the national newborn screening program, develop a comprehensive adult transition program, continue public surveillance, expand research efforts and establish up to 25 sickle cell treatment centers throughout the US all in an effort to support the creation of a sustainable comprehensive model of care for individuals affected by SCD. We request acknowledgement and declaration of SCD as a national health priority; support of legislative Bill-H.R. 5124 and return funding for SCD programs in the President’s budget. Sincerely SCDAA & SCD Community sicklecelldisease.org Created: Sep 22, 2014 Issues: Family, Health Care Click on, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/declare-sickle-cell-disease-national-health-priority-and-support-legislation-expand-and-establish/jFgQrMJ7