

Yay!! It’s the first day of Summer, time to lay back on the beach and enjoy those long summer days. While we want to immerse ourselves in all of the activities that the summer has to offer, let’s remember a few health precautions to ensure nothing hinders the fun.

  1. Stay hydrated- Be sure to drink plenty of water, as the heat increases the more exertion the body puts forth. For a little extra flavor, add fruit and refrigerate your water to give it a cool and fresh taste.
  2.  Protect your skin from the sun-wear wide-brimmed hats, apply water-resistant sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and reapply at least every 2 hours.
  3. Wear lightweight clothing with breathable fabrics such as cotton and protect your eyes with sunglasses.
  4.  If the heat becomes unbearable, try indoor activities.
  5.  HAVE FUN!
For more information of health tips for the summer, please visit http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/HealthyEating/Nutrition/Summer-Tips-for-a-Healthy-Heart_UCM_303868_Article.jsp#.V2gQW1l-6rw


    Paris Davis, TOVA Scholars Intern

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