Naomi Gingold
People with Disabilities may look just like your neighbor, friend or colleague. NPR recently published an excellent article about a young lady who suffers from Chrons Disease. Although she doe not use a cane or wheelchair, Chrons Disease (an inflammatory bowel disease) can be very debilitating and especially with flare-ups.
NPR reports, "Some disabilities are more obvious than others. Many are immediately apparent, especially if someone relies on a wheelchair or cane. But others — known as "invisible" disabilities — are not. People who live with them face particular challenges in the workplace and in their communities."
Let's not forget people who suffer with Sickle Cell Disease Anemia, a debilitating inherited blood disorder. Sickle Cell vaso-occlusive crisis causes the blood cells to sickle (clump together) and breakdown which causes decreased blood flow body and vital organs. Rapper Prodigy came out recently sharing with the world that he suffers from Sickle Cell Anemia. More Faces with people Living with Invisible Disabilities........
All the best, Dr. Anderson