The horrific tragedy affecting the Howard High School community made me think about my father Phil Anderson who graduated as Valedictorian of his class at Howard High many years ago despite growing up on the eastside.I think about teenager’s opportunity to have lifepreserving hobbies that keep them psychologically afloat while resisting the temptations of violence and the street. Researchers at John Hopkins studied youth in Baltimore for 10-years all born in the 1980s or early 1990s to families that resided in the city housing projects.Astoundingly, they found that 94% of youths were “on track” working or in school by the end of the study and all had “Identity Projects.”What is an Identity Project?An Identity Project is an interest in an activity such as, music, recording rap songs, participating in a hobby, sports, volunteering to help others or getting involved in a club (not a gang).These Identity Projects had a powerful influence providing young person’s a sense of self-identity because they inspire discipline, grit and hope to pursue a brighter future.Overall a large majority were actively resisting the street but were hungry for training and job opportunities to move higher up into the economic ladder.The power of an Identity Project can be lifesaving. To learn more about the John Hopkins research project go ~Dr. Nina Anderson